6 Stick Figure Animators You Should Know

Stick figure animations often mark the starting point for many budding animators. Whether it’s sketching a stick figure in a flip book or experimenting with software, they serve as the initial canvas for artistic expression. Their simplicity transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.

6 Ways to Animate in Moho Right Now

If you haven’t started using Moho yet, you’re missing out on a remarkably simple-to-use tool known for transforming any static image into a full animation. Plus, with the launch of its highly anticipated Moho 14 update last fall, Moho has …

ToonSquid vs. FlipaClip: Which One Should You Use?

The increase in the capability of the Apple iPad and its library of apps led many artists to consider moving to the mobile device as their primary content creation tool. If you are an animator, FlipClip and ToonSquid are two …

Animate CC与Character Animator (你应该用哪款软件?)

Animate CC和Character Animator是通过Adobe的Creative Cloud订阅服务提供的两个动画软件。了解这些软件之间的差异是很重要的,因为它们提供了非常不同的功能集,代表了不同的动画制作方法。在...